Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Apparently pure silk ties don't like being machine washed. Ian asked if his ties could be washed - he has two fave ones. So the other day, in goes his work stuff plus two pure silk expensive ties. Washing finished I take all the clothes out only to find the ties completely ruined. I know it would have happened whoever put the washing on but I felt awful.
Today we got the last of Matthew's clothes for his Holy Communion so at last he's all done. The hall is booked and so is the entertainer for the kids. We now have to sort the invites - Ian can sort them on the computer.
My friend has just gone home - it's been months since we last saw each other. We exchanged Christmas and Easter prezzies today, so the kids are happy! She's doing really well, it's good to see her happy. She is nearly at the end of her first year of teacher training, specializing in maths. Good luck to her.
Tomorrow my not-so-little niece is 13. I am taking the kids to her party. That's after waiting in for our new dining table and chairs to arrive. They will be here anytime between 7.30am and 1pm. I bet they come either at 7.31am or 12.50pm. As the old table is going, for the last few days we have been doing lots of crafty things. The only thing is I now have lots of paintings and nowhere to put them !

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