Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Well how absolutely shitty do Ian and me feel then. Matthew fell whilst climbing on Sunday, we gave hugs and kisses and left things to see how he was. Yes he was in pain, but he had just fallen quite hard, and we both agreed to leave things and let him calm down then have another look. He had a bath and went to bed. Monday we weren't sure what to do about school. When Matthew got up it was obvious he was sore and in pain, but he does tend to exaggerate a little so after a long think we sent him to school.
Today, Matthew gets up very early, and we ask him how he is. He's still sore and not using his arm. We let him have breakfast and wake up properly and had a look at him. He was still in pain but our main concern was the lack of use and his reluctancy to use it. We decided to take him to the hospital.
After having an X-ray it was confirmed the Matthew has broken his clavicle. I cant begin to tell you how bad we both feel.
We have to go back tomorrow morning (Wednesday) so he can be seen in the fracture clinic. As to what treatment he will get, lets just hope its not a cast.
So as for today lots of T.L.C. - he deserves spoiling.

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