Friday, January 11, 2013


I hadn't noticed it had been so long since I had last posted. Life is so busy. So much has happened since I last posted .
Matthew and Heather are doing great. We made the very hard decision to move Heather out of her school. So many little things where happening that we we unhappy about so we finally decided enough was enough. I am so sorry I didn't do it a long time ago the difference in her is wonderful to see. She has read books she would not have even attempted before , made friends with some lovely children and she in herself is much happier.
Matthew makes us so proud every day , he is growing into a wonderful young man, and becoming more like Ian each day.
Ian has had a really rough two years with work. Hes been in and out of work and finally had to start contract work which meant no holidays , and low pay. We have managed due to us massively cutting back and forgoing our family holiday. But we have each other and a roof over our heads.
On Monday of this week Ian began a new permanent job so hopefully onwards and upwards.
At the end of last year my dear wonderful dad was diagnosed with bowl cancer, with my sister passing away 7 years ago from bowl cancer the news really hit a cord with us all. It was heart breaking to sit with him whilst the doctor told him . He cant have any treatment due to other health issues so hes managing on his own. He has been so strong, don't get me wrong there have been low points and plenty of tears but he is a very strong and positive loving man. It has been so hard watching his strengh leaving him and seeing him in pain.
Last year just before christmas we finally decided to get a dog. Hes called crackers and hes a english springer spaniel. We got him from a rescue shelter . hes still nervous and getting used to us but hes as daft as a brush.
I will make a big effort to post more this year.
Take care xx

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